Precious Rose Dreamscape Success
Precious Rose Dreamscape Success
“I totally LOVE my birthday present! Billy heard me oohhing & Ahhing and got me my Precious Rose! Thank you! I so love your art! ❤️❤️❤️” VL
“Look how beautiful!!
“Looks amazing above my bed!
“It’s totally PERFECT! ❤️❤️❤️
“I couldn’t ask for a more perfect piece of art to sleep with 🎶❤️🎶”
“I am thrilled to own a several pieces Leigh-Ann’s art. Each piece is so beautifully magical and ethereal. I find each piece as I look upon them calls me into her magical universe.” VL
© Copyright 2023 ILIA. All Rights Reserved. ILIA aka Leigh-Ann Edrich is an Internationally Published and Exhibited Artist. noai noimageai